Last Saturday, this robin decided to build a nest right on our deck. She's built it right on the cross beams not 8 feet from this camera inside the kitchen window.
It took her 2 days to build it, a treat to watch, when she was done it was so deep that she sunk right down above her head. Right now it's full of bright blue eggs. (I thought about putting a soft boiled chicken egg in first to see what she'd do....but, no).
She's one determined bird. She stuck it out through our Father's Day party on the porch, dogs going by, puppies all around. And she keeps coming back.
That brings the head count in our house up to 14. (plus eggs)
It took her 2 days to build it, a treat to watch, when she was done it was so deep that she sunk right down above her head. Right now it's full of bright blue eggs. (I thought about putting a soft boiled chicken egg in first to see what she'd do....but, no).
She's one determined bird. She stuck it out through our Father's Day party on the porch, dogs going by, puppies all around. And she keeps coming back.
That brings the head count in our house up to 14. (plus eggs)